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All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan Template and Planning Guide

  1. Memo: All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan Guide and Template,
  2. All-Hazards Emergency Operations Planning Guide 
  3. Template All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan.

In 2023, Act 29 amended Title 16 VSA, Section 1480 to require that all public Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts (SU/SD) and Independent Schools adopt and maintain an all-hazards emergency operations plan for each school site that it maintains. Further, the statute requires that all such Emergency Operations Plans must be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, in collaboration with local emergency first responders and local emergency management officials.

In addition, Title 16 requires the Vermont School Safety Center (VSSC) to maintain a template All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). While the use of the template is not required, the amended statute provides that each All-Hazards EOP must be “at least as comprehensive as the template maintained by the Vermont School Safety Center.”

The Agency of Education, in partnership with the Vermont School Safety Center, recognizes that this critical planning work requires significant effort from SU/SD and Independent School staff and leadership.