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CISA Releases Additional School Safety Resources

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced the release of a new resource titled, Social Media Threat Guidance for School Staff and Authorities Infographic. CISA created this infographic to highlight social media threats affecting school districts in the United States, provide mitigation and response measures for social media threats directed at school districts, and connect school safety stakeholders to the suite of tools and resources provided by CISA and its partners to promote a culture of readiness and preparedness. 

For more information and to access this product, visit: 

CISA also has released a toolbox of school safety resources, which may assist planning efforts by laying out some of the ways schools can build resilience through CISA's programs: CISA Resources to Help Schools Strengthen Security and Build Resilience

 CISA also encourages school community personnel to visit the School Safety website at