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Responding to an Overdose

The Vermont Department of Health supports grants for School-Based Substance Abuse Services and supports the Comprehensive, School-Based Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention focus. Prevention means that schools must also be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to prevent fatal consequences in the event of an alcohol or drug overdose in the school setting.

Rule 4212.3B Emergency states: “The school district policy shall establish procedures for administering emergency first-aid related to alcohol and drug abuse. The procedures will define the roles of the personnel involved.”

Standards of Practice: School Health Services Manual (Section 22 Medications: G-L) offers tools for assessing how to set up a protocol for emergency response. This includes the team approach needed to manage naloxone (Narcan®) administration in the event of an opioid drug overdose and transport to the emergency department. The school nurse can provide leadership in this effort.

For more information about alcohol and drug prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery in Vermont: