Training dates: April 8th and 9th, 2025 at Bellows Falls Union High School, Westminster
Training Flyer and registration: MGT 417 Flyer Westminster VT 4.8-9.2025.pdf
Training dates: June 30th and July 31st at Lamoille South Central Office, Morrisville
Training Flyer and registration: MGT 417 Flyer Morrisville VT 6.30-7.1.2025.pdf
Training dates: August 8th and 9th, 2025 at Middlebury Union High School, Middlebury
Training Flyer and registration: MGT 417 Flyer Middlebury VT 8.8-9.2024.pdf
MGT 417 is a tuition free, management-level, DHS/FEMA-certified course that provides operational-level details to support many of the topics covered in AWR148: Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents – Partnering Rural Law Enforcement, First Responders, and Local School Systems.
Rural schools, law enforcement, other emergency responders, and community stakeholders are often limited in their access to resources, so it is imperative that all potentially affected parties collaborate in planning, preparation, communication, response, and recovery in the event of a school-based incident.
Registration is required through the RDPC website.
Register no later than 2 weeks before the course date. A minimum of 20 registrations must be received by this date to ensure the class will be held.
FEMA S.I.D. REQUIRED. Register for your FEMA Student Identification Number by visiting